miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

I Have a Dream

Yo tengo un sueño (I Have a Dream) es el nombre del popular discurso más famoso de Martin Luther King Jr., cuando habló poderosa y elocuentemente de su deseo de un futuro en el cual la gente de tez negra y blanca pudiesen coexistir armoniosamente y como iguales. Este discurso, pronunciado el 28 de agosto de 1963 desde las escalinatas del Monumento a Lincoln durante la Marcha en Washington por el trabajo y la libertad, fue un momento definitorio en el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles en Estados Unidos. Está considerado frecuentemente como uno de los mejores discursos de la historia, y quedó en el primer puesto entre los discursos del siglo XX según los estudiosos de la retórica. Ampliamente aclamado como una pieza maestra de la retórica, el discurso de King se asemeja al estilo del sermón de un ministro bautista negro. Apela a fuentes icónicas y ampliamente respetadas como la Biblia, e invoca la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos, la Proclamación de Emancipación, y la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. A través del instrumento retórico de la alusión(definido por Campbell y Huxman (2003) como "referencia indirecta a nuestro acervo cultural compartido, como la Biblia, lamitología griega y romana, o nuestra historia"), King hace uso de frases y lenguaje de importantes textos culturales para sus propios propósitos retóricos. Cerca del comienzo King alude al Discurso de Gettysburg de Lincoln diciendo: "Five score years ago..." una particular forma de decir "cien años" en inglés (pues score son 20 años y 20 x 5 = 100).
Las alusiones bíblicas también son comunes. Por ejemplo, King alude al Salmo 30:5 en la segunda estrofa de su discurso. Dice en referencia a la abolición de la esclavitud articulada por la Proclamación de Emancipación, "llegó como un precioso amanecer para terminar una larga noche de cautiverio." Otra alusión bíblica es encontrada en la décima estrofa: "No, no; no estamos satisfechos y no quedaremos satisfechos hasta que "la justicia ruede como el agua y la rectitud como una poderosa corriente." Esta es una alusión a Amós 5:24. King también cita de Isaías 40:4 -"Sueño que algún día los valles serán cumbres..."
La formación religiosa del orador se percibe claramente ya que utiliza tres veces la expresión "hijos de Dios", habla de que "la gloria de Dios será revelada, y se unirá todo el género humano", da ánimo a su gente diciéndoles un mensaje cristiano "Continúen trabajando con la convicción de que el sufrimiento que no es merecido, es emancipador" y cerrando el discurso con ""¡Libres al fin! ¡Libres al fin! Gracias a Dios omnipotente, ¡somos libres al fin!".

Paralelismo, o "usar la misma fraseología inicial en una secuencia de afirmaciones o frases para agregar énfasis, orden, o clímax a una idea" (Campbell & Huxman, 2002, p. 177), es una herramienta retórica empleada a través de todo el discurso. Un ejemplo de paralelismo es encontrado casi al principio cuando King insta a su público a aprovechar el momento "Ahora es el momento..." es repetido cuatro veces en la sexta estrofa. El ejemplo más citado de paralelismo es encontrando en la frase "Yo tengo un sueño..." que es repetida ocho veces cuando King describe a su audiencia una imagen de un Estados Unidos de Américaintegrado y unido.

Activity parts of the house in English

Next fill the crossword, you have a minute to do so ... lucky

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Review Exercises


English Grammar: Past Simple

Rules for adding -ed to regular English verbs

Past simple: Rules for adding -ed to regular English verbs

To be in the simple past of regular verbs in English, we need to add -ed to the infinitive without to. To this end we will consider the following rules:

1. Overall add -ed to all regular verbs.
    wash washed finish → → → finished talk Talked

2. verbs ending in -e, just add a -d.
    live like → → lived liked

3. verbs ending in consonant + -y, change the "y" to "i" and add -ed (= -ied)
    Studied carry study → → → Carried try tried

4. The verbs that end in a vowel + -and added -ed.
    play → played

Special cases

The verbs that end in a vowel + consonant (stop, ban, Occur, open, offer ...)

a) if the accent falls on the vowel of the last syllable, it bends
     stop stopped → → plan → planned ban banned Occur → occurred

Except verbs ending in "y" and "w"
    → play → played show Showed

b) If the accent does not fall on the vowel of the last syllable, it does not bend.
    Offered open offer → → opened
Except verbs ending in "l" folding "l" although the accent falls not spare the last syllable.
Travelled cancel travel → → canceled

Verbs of one syllable with two vowels do not double the consonant.
 → cook cooked
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List of Irregular Verbs

Lista de Verbos Irregulares en Inglés

PresentPastPast ParticipleTraducción
arisearosearisenlevantarse, surgir, presentarse
be/am,are,iswas/werebeenser, estar
beatbeatbeatengolpear,vencer, ganarle a
becomebecamebecomellegar a ser…, convertirse en…
bendbentbentcurvar, doblar
bindboundboundatar, amarrar, vendar
bidbidbidofertar, pujar por algo
breakbrokebrokenromper, partir  quebrar
breedbredbredcriar (animales)
buildbuiltbuiltconstruir, edificar
burnburntburntquemar, arder, incendiar
burstburstburstreventar, estallar, abrir de golpe
castcastcastlanzar, arrojar, tirar, echar
catchcaughtcaughtcoger, agarrar, atrapar
choosechosechosenelegir, escoger
clingclungclungagarrarse, aferrarse, adherirse,
creepcreptcreptarrastrar, reptar, deslizar
dealdealtdealttratar, acordar
do/doesdiddonehacer, preparar
drawdrewdrawndibujar, pintar, trazar
fightfoughtfoughtpelear, luchar
fleefledfledhuir de…
forgiveforgaveforgivenperdonar, disculpar
freezefrozefrozenhelar, congelar
getgotgottenconseguir, obtener, lograr
grindgroundgroundmoler, machacar
havehadhadtener, haber, poseer
hearheardheardescuchar, oir
hidehidhiddenesconder, esconderse
holdheldheldsujetar, agarrar, detener, soportar
hurthurthurtherir, lesionar, dañar
keepkeptkeptguardar, mantener
knowknewknownsaber, conocer
knitknitknittejer, tricotar
leadledleddirigir, guiar, llevar la delantera
leapleaptleaptsaltar, brincar
leaveleftleftdejar, (abandonar)
letletletdejar, permitir
lielaylainecharse, tenderse (acostarse)
lightlitlitencender, alumbrar, iluminar
loselostlostperder, extraviar
makemademadehacer, fabricar
meetmetmetconocerse, encontrarse
mistakemistookmistakenequivocar, errar
putputputponer, colocar
ringrangrangsonar, tocar, llamar por teléfono
riseroserisenelevarse, levantarse
setsetsetponer, colocar
sewsewedsewncoser (una prenda de vestir)
shakeshookeshakenagitar, sacudir
showshowedshownmostrar, enseñar
slideslidsliddeslizar, resbalar
smellsmeltsmelolfatear, oler
splitsplitsplitdividir, partir, rajar
spoilspoiltspoiltestropear, deteriorar
spreadspreadspreadextender, desplegar
standstoodstoodestar de pie
stealstolestolenrobar, hurtar
stickstuckstuckadherir, pegar, engomar
stingstungstungpicar (aguijón)
stinkstankstunkapestar, heder
stridestrodestriddendar zancadas
strikestruckstruckpegarle a,chocar o dar contra…
swingswungswungbalancear, columpiar
taketooktakentomar, coger
teachtaughtaugheducar, enseñar
teartoretornromper, rasgar
telltoldtolddecir, contar
throwthrewthrownlanzar, aventar, arrojar, tirar
thrustthrustthrustempujar, introducir
understandunderstoodunderstoodentender, comprender
undertakeundertookdundertakenasumir, contraer, emprender
wakewokewokendespertar, despertarse
wearworewornllevar puesto, usar
weavewovewoventejer (en telar)
wetwetwetmojar, humedecer
windwoundwoundovillar, enrollar

Biography large Colombian singer

Shakira 2014.jpg
born February 2, 1977)[3] is a Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer, and model. Born and raised inBarranquilla, she began performing in school, demonstrating LatinArabic, and rock and roll influences and belly dancing abilities. Shakira released her first studio albumsMagia and Peligro, in the early 1990s, failing to attain commercial success; however, she rose to prominence in Latin America with her major-label debut, Pies Descalzos(1996), and her fourth album, Dónde Están los Ladrones? (1998).
Shakira entered the English-language market with her fifth album, Laundry Service. Its lead single, "Whenever, Wherever", became the best-selling single of 2002. Her success was solidified with her sixth and seventh albumsFijación Oral, Vol. 1 and Oral Fixation, Vol. 2 (2005), the latter of which spawned the best-selling song of the 21st century, "Hips Don't Lie". Shakira's eighth and ninth albums, She Wolf (2009) and Sale el Sol (2010), received critical praise but suffered from limited promotion due to her strained relationship with label Epic Records. Her official song for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)", became the biggest-selling World Cup song of all time. With over 950 million views, its one of the most-watched music video on YouTube. Since 2013, Shakira has served as a coach on the American version of The Voice, having appeared in two of its seven seasons—fourth and sixth. Her tenth album, Shakira (2014), is preceded by its lead single, "Can't Remember to Forget You".

Shakira has won many awards, including five MTV Video Music Awards, two Grammy Awards, eight Latin Grammy Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, 28 Billboard Latin Music Awards and has been Golden Globe-nominated. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and sold between 70 and 125 million records worldwide (depending to the source),[4][5] making her one of the best selling Latin artist of all time. She carries out well-known philanthropic activities through charity work and benefit concerts, notably her Pies Descalzos Foundation, her performance at the "Clinton Global Initiative" created by former U.S. President Bill Clinton, and her invitation to the Oval Office by President Barack Obama in February 2010 to discuss early childhood development.[6] As of 2014, she is listed as the 58th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.[7] As of July 2014, Shakira has become the first person to reach 100 million followers on
Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez (born August 9, 1972), better known as Juanes (for the contraction of his first and second name), is a Colombian musician who was a member of the Acoustic Rock band Ekhymosis and is now a solo artist. In 2000, his solo debut album Fíjate Bien won three Latin Grammy Awards. According to his record label, Juanes has sold more than 15 million albums worldwide.[1][2]
Raised in MedellínColombia, Juanes began playing guitar at age seven. When Juanes was 15, he started his first band, Ekhymosis, in 1988, which went on to release five albums, achieving recognition in his native Colombia. The track "Sólo" from the album Niño Gigante in 1992 was very popular. In 1997 after the band broke up, Juanes continued solo and in 2000 he released the album, Fíjate Bien, which earned him three Latin Grammys. His follow-up album, Un Día Normal, was released in 2002 and was later certified platinum in multiple countries throughout Latin America. Juanes' third album, Mi Sangre (2004), which became an international bestseller, managing to position well in a number of countries around the world, achieved success due to the single "La Camisa Negra". He has since releasedLa Vida... Es Un Ratico (2007) and P.A.R.C.E. (2010). On May 29, 2012 Juanes released the album Juanes MTV Unplugged.

According to his label, Universal Music, Juanes has won, among others, twenty Latin Grammy Awards (5 wins in the Grammy Awards on November 13, 2008) and two Grammy Awards. Juanes received the BMI President's Award at the 2010 BMI Latin Awards.[3] Juanes is also known for his humanitarian work, especially with aid for Colombian victims ofanti-personnel mines. On April 2013, Juanes released an autobiography titled Chasing The Sun in which he tells his story through narratives and pictures.